ad·vo·cate (dv-kt)
tr.v. ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing, ad·vo·cates
n. (-kt, -kt)
1. One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender: an advocate of civil rights.
2. One that pleads in another's behalf; an intercessor: advocates for abused children and spouses
For me, I have been searching for a word that could define what I feel like God has gifted me in. The other day I was laying in bed talking to my husband about our purpose and mission here at Fort Hood. Even though we weren't thrilled when we found out this is where we would be for a while, we can now see a huge purpose for being here. God has called all believers to share the gospel with the lost and I cannot think of another population who could benefit from the hope of Jesus, more than the military. Within the military culture, our husbands have crazy schedules, are gone all the time, and we have to hold down the home front a lot of the time. Almost every military wife I meet is stressed, exhausted, lonely, and tired... It makes me reflect on how believing in God provides an everlasting Hope...a hope that can come from nowhere else, not even solely from our husbands. What I have also realized is that I do NOT have this whole military wife thing down... at all! I just feel that God has gifted me with the ability to organize people and help provide community, and I know that when that happens, I will learn a TON from these wives from their own experiences that I don't have yet as a wife. It's truly amazing to think about.
A different night, Trevor and I were laying in bed and talking about being on mission...either in America or another country. We went from talking about Fort Hood, adopting, and all the way to orphans in Africa! It was a long convo to say the least :) As the conversation progressed we got more and more excitable and anxious about what to do, but towards the end, we agreed that God can call us to SO many different missions throughout our married lives... As Trevor said "Babe, we have decades!" lol. Right now He has us here at Fort Hood, in 3 years, could it be overseas? Definately! God is way bigger than anything we can plan and we are excited about the rollercoaster of life ahead!
So back to the title of this blog. Advocate. I feel like God has called me to be an advocate throughout my life. According to the dictionary, an advocate is:
ad·vo·cate (dv-kt)
tr.v. ad·vo·cat·ed, ad·vo·cat·ing, ad·vo·cates
n. (-kt, -kt)
1. One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender: an advocate of civil rights.
2. One that pleads in another's behalf; an intercessor: advocates for abused children and spouses.
I want to be an advocate. An advocate for the kingdom of God, an advocate for marriage, an advocate for women with cancer, an advocate for military families, an advocate for children, an advocate for missions, an advocate for orphans, an advocate for adoption. In my opinion, an advocate is someone who can support others, encourage others, and speak for those who are unable! God teaches me something new everyday, I think understanding His calling to be an advocate for others gives me a more clear picture of the mission I am on here and now!
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