Well most of you know that I have been coming up on a full-time internship this summer! I have been applying and interviewing with possible placements around the Austin area. The main thing I am interested in for my placement is a medical setting working with a military population. My first choice was to work on a military base or at the VA. The problem with Austin is that we are right smack in the middle of San Antonio and Killeen which are both big military cities! Austin is not... so I started exploring the VA. The Central Texas Veterans Health Care System (CTVHCS) has over a dozen VA hospitals and outpatient clinics around central Texas with only one actually in the city limits of Austin!
When I started pursuing the VA internship in Austin the field director told me that it was almost impossible to get an internship here in the city. He said that most people are sent to Temple to the main hospital... I decided to continue to pursue it and just ask that God would provide an opening for the Summer. I interviewed at Seton on 38th downtown and was accepted, but the VA was still my first choice. I waited about 3 weeks to get an interview scheduled with them and got increasingly anxious as I waited! I started wondering if this was really a possibility!
I had my interview with the VA in the OEF/OIF case management dept last Friday and fell in love with it! My supervisor who I interviewed with was wonderful and I really enjoyed what it sounded like I would be doing! The position is working with returning troops from Iraq and Afghanistan who have served in a combat zone in the last 10 years. The department provides case management, primary and behavioral health, as well as supportive counseling for any troops that need it.
I had a major melt down on Monday afternoon because I was completely overwhelmed with school, grant writing, missing my mom, not knowing about the internship or my living situation for the Summer. I felt so defeated in that moment...so I did the only thing I know to do, I prayed. I surrendered everything to Him as I cried... hard. A few minutes later I was sending Trevor a text message and an email popped up on my phone from the supervisor at the VA. She asked me to call her because she lost my number. I quickly wiped my eyes and stopped crying to call her back! She offered me the internship and the first thing I thought was "Thank you God...You just needed me to remember who my rock is and rely on You!" This is exactly what I needed from God. I needed Him to bring me back down to the place of desperation to see that He has it all in control and just wants me to go to Him first!
I am utterly thrilled about my internship and SO very thankful for this opportunity! It's just another way of God orchestrating each individual day of my life and my future!
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