Tuesday, March 16, 2010

September 4, 2010

I can't believe that Trevor and I are engaged!!! I am SO beyond excited and seriously feel like the most blessed girl in the world! Not only is God allowing me to marry the man I fell in love with, but He is also providing me a new family...a family who loves Him deeply!

Trevor and I spent the last 10 days in California with his family and it was the perfect trip (even before he proposed!) I felt like I already knew his parents just from talking on the phone and skype the last few months, but it was wonderful to be able to build that relationship in person and I absolutely fell in love with them. I can honestly say they feel like family!

Towards the end of the trip, the two of us and both of our families met in San Diego for dinner to meet for the first time! The dinner went great! After dinner, I told him we should go for a walk on the beach (not realizing that this was already Trevor's plan and part of the proposal!!) We casually walked along Pacific beach in our comfy clothes all bundled up and sat down in the sand looking at the beautiful ocean. Trevor began to tell me that he had lied to me earlier that day about what he was doing (because he was getting the ring sized) and looked me in the eyes and smiled. We both shared the moment of feeling so loved sitting on the sand, listening to the waves crash. Before I knew it, Trevor had something in his hand and said "You should probably stop looking at me now and look at my right hand!" I began freaking out saying "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" and finally looked...

"Will you marry me?"-Trevor asked
I'm sure you can guess...I said YES!!

Trevor gave me a beautiful ring that had one of the last diamonds from his grandfather's jewelry store before he passed away. It's for sure my favorite part of the ring and what makes it so special! I feel so honored to be wearing a family ring!

As of this morning we have a date and a venue set!! We will be getting married on September 4, 2010 at Texas Old Town in Kyle, Texas!


  1. I couldn't be more excited for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world! Now buckle up and get ready for a crazy 5 months!!!!

  2. WAIT A SECOND, YOU HAVE A TYPO ON HERE...When he asked you if you would marry him, you did NOT SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!! You said, "umm, I suppose so!" hahahaha! Poor Trevor!
