Friday, March 5, 2010

Why start blogging?

I have been wanting to journal for over a year now, and keep making excuses why I don't have time...I also find myself wanting to post things to share with friends and family, and I'm constantly running out of room with Twitter's 140 character limit and long Facebook status updates.

I decided to name my blog "A Daugher's Shalom" because my family role in life over the past year has been constantly on my heart. I lost my mom to breast cancer in January of 2009, and before that, I always identified as being a "daughter" in our family. Last semester I started grad school for social work and had to take a family therapy class, which quickly became the hardest class I've ever taken. I was forced to examine my own family and what my role has been & what it is now. This is where it got hard. I realized that I didn't know who I identified as my family anymore. I was confused, frustrated, and lost. Then I started making that a daily prayer and really examining what family meant to me.

After a lot of prayer and wrestling with God, I realized that I am completely surrounded by family. I have biological family, adopted family, spiritual family, and most of all I am a daughter of the KING. God calls us his children and means it. I chose the word Shalom because it is a hebrew word for "peace" or "completeness" and I have been seeking Shalom all year!

As a daughter of our King, and still my mother's daughter...This is my life! I have learned that family are the people who love you, be joyful with you, suffer with you, embrace life with you, and celebrate with you. I am blessed to have family all over the country and can continue to call this home :D

Thanks for reading!

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