Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tension of time

This week has been CRAZY! I feel like every aspect of my life has felt like it's on steroids... grad school, grant writing for SELAH, medical appts, wedding planning, etc! There has been some amazing praises that have happened but I am also just physically exhausted!

I am also starting to feel the tension of time again in my life. I think the reality that I am not going to be living in Austin in September after Trevor and I get married is starting to set in. It's making me realize that I want to spend as much time as possible with all my church family and people I love here before I move in 5 months! It has also been slightly overwhelming to realize because I don't feel like there is much I can do about it right now because there are not enough hours in the day! I am trying to balance school in San Marcos, family in Buda, my church community in Austin, and start spending a couple days a month in my future city (Killeen) with my fiance. Ahhhhhh :/

During the week I spend almost everyday either on campus or writing papers and that only leaves two days on the weekends to spend with everyone. Several of my friends work on the weekends and these are also the only days I am able to see Trevor on a weekly basis. I'm trying to balance spending time on the wknds with people because even though I absolutely LOVE spending time with my fiance, I also realize that in 5 short months I will have the rest of my life with him & may not have as much time with these friends on a regular basis!

I'm actually really excited about this weekend because I tried to make it a point to spend more time with people! On Friday I'm spending the morning with Audrey which I am thrilled about because we have both been in and out of town almost the entire month and Friday evening I'll be with Trevor just spending time in Killeen. On Saturday I'm super excited to have breakfast with three of my favorite girls which is so long over due! I actually think the last time the four of us had a meal together was after Chelsea got back from her honeymoon! That's NUTS! I think we also have plans with Trevor's family sometime this weekend, and an Easter Sunday BBQ after church and then dinner with the Church's! It's gonna be a great weekend and I can't wait to spend time with all the people I love!

I guess I am balancing things better than I think, I have just had a heavy heart about making time for everyone lately and just wish there were more hours in the week!

Love you guys, thanks for reading!

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